Deep Learning Resources

This is a collection of various article links, websites, infographics and papers which will help anyone learn the concepts of Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


  1. Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
  2. The hundred-page ML book, Andriy Burkov
  3. Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Michael Nielsen
  4. Python Machine Learning, Sebastian Raschka
  5. CS321 Course Notes by Roger Grosse.

Websites and Blogs

  1. r2d3 nice visualizations for understanding ML techniques
  2. for AI in radiology
  3. skymind basic concepts of AI
  4. OpenAI
  5. DeepMind
  6. Distill for clear explanations of machine learning
  7. Jeremy Jordan blog
  8. Daniil’s blog
  9. Lil’Log
  10. Google AI Blog
  11. Uber AI Labs
  12. Jay Alammar’s blog
  13. Berkeley AI Research
  14. Sebastian Ruder
  15. Facebook AI Blog


  1. cs231n Convolutional Neural Networks
  2. Machine Learning CMU
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning CMU
  4. Reinforcement Learning UCL
  5. Self Driving Cars
  7. Machine Learning by Andrew Ng, Coursera
  8., DL Specialization by Andrew Ng, Coursera
  9. Deep RL Bootcamp
  10. Linear Algebra
  11. Roger Grosse CSC 321
  12. Computer Vision

Articles and Tutorials

  1. Understanding of t-SNE
  2. Setting up Learning Rate
  3. Implementation of TFRecords
  4. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
  5. Data Science and Robots
  6. Understanding LSTM
  7. Speech Processing
  8. Autoencoders Keras
  9. Bucket Iterator R2RT
  10. Deep Learning tutorials
  11. Image Segmentation techniques
  12. Transpose Convolution
  13. cs231n Andrej Karpathy
  14. Key Papers in Deep RL
  15. A Recipe for Training Neural Networks, by Andrej Karpathy.


  1. Entropy, Cross-Entropy and KL Divergence.
  2. cs231n CNN lecture series.
  3. Deep Reinforcement Learning Bootcamp.
  4. Deep Unsupervised Learning by UC Berkeley.
  5. ML with python from Sentdex.


  1. Pandas
  2. Numpy
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Seaborn
  5. Scikit-learn
  6. Keras
  7. Python Basics
  8. Importing Data
  9. CNN
  10. RNN
  11. AI/ML/DL
  12. Deep Learning

GitHub Repositories

  1. Goku Mohandas practicalAI


  1. Grand Challenge
  2. Kaggle
  3. Visual Data
  4. UCI ML Repository
  5. SkyMind
  7. AWS
  8. Microsoft
  9. GitHub
  10. Chahub


  1. Machine Hack
  3. Kaggle
  4. TechGig
  5. OpenML
  6. HackerEarth

Pretrained Models

  1. ModelZoo
  2. IBM
  3. Kaggle
  1. ML Resources by Sam Finlayson
  2. Incomplete DL Guide by Sanny Kim



Rohan Mithila, Viman Nagar
Pune, Maharashtra 411014