Deep Learning Resources

This is a collection of various article links, websites, infographics and papers which will help anyone learn the concepts of Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- The hundred-page ML book, Andriy Burkov
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Michael Nielsen
- Python Machine Learning, Sebastian Raschka
- CS321 Course Notes by Roger Grosse.
Websites and Blogs
- r2d3 nice visualizations for understanding ML techniques
- for AI in radiology
- skymind basic concepts of AI
- OpenAI
- DeepMind
- Distill for clear explanations of machine learning
- Jeremy Jordan blog
- Daniil’s blog
- Lil’Log
- Google AI Blog
- Uber AI Labs
- Jay Alammar’s blog
- Berkeley AI Research
- Sebastian Ruder
- Facebook AI Blog
- cs231n Convolutional Neural Networks
- Machine Learning CMU
- Introduction to Deep Learning CMU
- Reinforcement Learning UCL
- Self Driving Cars
- Machine Learning by Andrew Ng, Coursera
-, DL Specialization by Andrew Ng, Coursera
- Deep RL Bootcamp
- Linear Algebra
- Roger Grosse CSC 321
- Computer Vision
Articles and Tutorials
- Understanding of t-SNE
- Setting up Learning Rate
- Implementation of TFRecords
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- Data Science and Robots
- Understanding LSTM
- Speech Processing
- Autoencoders Keras
- Bucket Iterator R2RT
- Deep Learning tutorials
- Image Segmentation techniques
- Transpose Convolution
- cs231n Andrej Karpathy
- Key Papers in Deep RL
- A Recipe for Training Neural Networks, by Andrej Karpathy.
- Entropy, Cross-Entropy and KL Divergence.
- cs231n CNN lecture series.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Bootcamp.
- Deep Unsupervised Learning by UC Berkeley.
- ML with python from Sentdex.
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Scikit-learn
- Keras
- Python Basics
- Importing Data
- Deep Learning
GitHub Repositories
- Goku Mohandas practicalAI
- Grand Challenge
- Kaggle
- Visual Data
- UCI ML Repository
- SkyMind
- Microsoft
- GitHub
- Chahub
Pretrained Models
Other Guides
- ML Resources by Sam Finlayson
- Incomplete DL Guide by Sanny Kim